GAA Passport Project

The Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (IDW) is member of the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA).

The IDW will be pleased to welcome individual professional accountants who are members of other GAA-member institutes, who are planning to work in Germany, and to offer much the same professional support and services to members of GAA bodies during their time spent working in Germany that we provide to our own members.

If you are considering a move to Germany, the following information may be useful:

Becoming a Wirtschaftsprüfer:
Here you find an overview of the various routes to becoming a Wirtschaftsprüfer. Depending on your qualification you may be eligible to take an aptitude test rather than having to sit full examinations.

Joining the IDW:
To become a full member of the IDW you must be a Wirtschaftsprüfer, further details are set forth in Article 3 (1) of the Articles of Incorporation.
Article 3 (2) of the IDW’s Articles of incorporation govern who might be eligible to become an associate member of the IDW.

Even if you do not join the IDW, you may be able to receive similar benefits offered to members:

GAA Passport benefits:

The following services – available only in German language– are free of charge and include:

  • technical support for the daily work of members through an enquiry service (up to five telephone enquiries are free of charge),
  • access to the IDW’s Information Center for research into literature and other services,
  • access to programs of education and continuing professional development available in the relevant federal state,
  • free subscription to the IDW’s monthly membership magazine 'IDW Life'.

Please let us know if you are interested in any of our services.

Contact partner:

Ms. Waldbauer

  • Write e-mail